Legislative District 20
A Beautiful and Diverse District
LD 20 extends south from the Rillito River to the border of San Xavier District along Country Club Blvd and then along Nogales Hwy on the east. West of I-10 It extends south of Grant Road to Los Reales Rd and west to parts of the Avra Valley south of Ajo Way.
We are a diverse group of volunteers who are advocates of democracy and believe in the equality of all people
LD 20 Officers and Committees
Chair: Rosemary Bolza
1st Vice Chair: Betty Harris
2nd Vice Chair: Elda Lopez
Corresponding Secretary: Shanna Leonard
Recording Secretary: Kay Davis
Treasurer: Chris DeYoung
Executive Committee Representatives:
Betts Putnam-Hidalgo, Matt Capalby
To contact an officer, go to Get Involved
LD 20 is one of thirty Legislative Districts in Arizona. The district extends north and west to the Rillito River from the San Xavier Boundary to downtown Tucson, U of A, and neighborhoods to the north and east in an irregular pattern to the Tucson Mountain Park and back to the San Xavier Boundary with a large section west of the Tucson Mountains in Avra Valley. It is one of the most diverse districts in Arizona and includes historic neighborhoods and barrios as well as the Yaqui Nation. The numbers indicate individual voting precincts.
LD 20 is divided into six regions, each with its own leaders and goals. If you live in one of these regions, contact a regional leader to get involved.
Elda Lopez David Tonsing Eldalopez1776@gmail.com davetonsing@gmail.com
South Central
Michelle Flores
CJ Jones Bob Federoff Kay Federoff
cj@mcn.org Bob@federoff.org Kay@federoff.org
North Central
Eb Eberlein
Michael Bryan
Alternative Contact: lesliestalc@gmail.com
You can find your precinct and which districts you are in at the Pima Votes web site. You can also check your registration status there.